Denbighshire Council pilots innovative solar re-roofing scheme

Submitted by Kate on

Denbighshire Council has become one of the first local authorities in the UK to pilot a new type of solar pitched roof system, with the aim of cutting maintenance costs and helping tenants reduce their energy bills.  The pioneering refurbishment scheme has seen Marley’s full pitched roof system, with integrated solar panels, installed on 110 homes and surveys are already taking place for a second, larger phase.


Roof refurbishment is an important part of Denbighshire Council’s programme of external major repairs and energy efficiency improvements to its older properties.  One of the biggest challenges is to bring the roofs up to modern standards in a cost-effective way, while retaining the original aesthetics.  As well as requiring a like-for-like replacement for the old clay tiles, the council also needed a pitched roof solution that would minimise maintenance costs, reduce the likelihood of future repairs and incorporate solar technology to help tenants cut energy bills.  

Denbighshire Council specified the Marley complete pitched roof system which, along with Acme single camber clay tiles, also included JB red battens, underlay, dry fix, fittings, and Marley SolarTile®, all backed up with a 15-year guarantee and technical support.  The roof system has been installed on 110 of the council’s homes in Meliden and Rhyl so far, with another 44 properties included in phase two.  


Unlike traditional PV panels, Marley SolarTile® integrates with the rest of the roof tiles, acting as a seamless part of the roof design.  Compatible with any of the company’s roof tiles or slates, it is easy to install, doesn’t require specialist PV contractors and has industry leading wind and fire performance.

Kevin O’Neill from Marley adds: “Specifying a full roof system, rather than just the tiles, gives Denbighshire Council long term assurances about the performance of the roof.  It also reduces risk by ensuring that all of the roofs have the same high levels of quality, compatibility and compliance with the latest standards and the council has a single point of liability. As well as reducing ongoing maintenance costs, it also offers tenant benefits by minimising the chances of roof problems, such as condensation and leaks.

“This pioneering scheme from Denbighshire Council demonstrates that it is possible to subtly incorporate solar technology into existing homes, in a cost-effective way, that can help tackle the growing issue of fuel poverty. Our solar roof tiles can be used on their own, or as part of our full roof system, on both new build and refurbishment projects – helping local authorities to meet forthcoming Part L carbon reduction targets and cut tenants’ energy bills by up to £260 per year.”

Councillor Rhys Thomas, Lead Member for Housing and Communities at Denbighshire County Council commented: “We are really proud to support such an innovative project that provides much needed modern sources of energy supply to families in our homes.”

Katrina Allen, Decarbonisation Housing Manager at Denbighshire Council, added: “This project is making a real differing in helping to make our council homes more energy efficient in times of rising fuel costs and is already giving residents more control over their electricity bills”.

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