Product News 2nd test

Balconies, roof terraces & walkways – understanding the difference can lead to significant savings, as well as keeping your tenants safe


In the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017, stringent regulations have been put in place to ensure the safety of outdoor areas,…

Boosting property band ratings with Honeywell Home evohome


Effectively accessing and maximising government funding is key for social housing providers looking to boost energy efficiencies for tenants,…

Click Scolmore set to revolutionise electrical installations


Scolmore Group is a leading manufacturer of electrical accessories, circuit protection, lighting, home automation, security and cable…

Leading the way for higher fire door safety standards


Having been involved for many years in fire rated products, gaining invaluable knowledge and insight into the composite fire door…

Rapierstar’s fastener innovation delivers superior windows and doors


Continuous innovation in fastening technology by Rapierstar is enabling housing specifiers and contractors to achieve ever higher performance…

Transform the way you manage your properties for enhanced resident living


Housing associations and property managers have many responsibilities. But fundamentally, they are responsible for ensuring that their resident’s…

Get in shape with Encasement pipe boxing


Whatever pipework you need to conceal, Encasement’s Vetta pipe boxing and…

Kidde launches wireless fire alarm controller for effortless and regular testing


Kidde Safety Europe, a leading manufacturer of residential fire safety equipment, is proud to announce the launch of its innovative CV9101 Fire…

2025 Vicaima Interactive Interior Door Selector


Flicking through outdated static printed or digital brochures is for yesterday. In 2025 expectations are higher, the desire to seek out product…

Take the lead on LEAD


Removal and replacement of lead water supply pipes is not only good for occupiers’ health, but part of UK water companies’…

Achieving cost efficient accessible tenant bathrooms


When it comes to achieving cost efficient accessible bathrooms – no matter the age of the housing stock or the individual’s needs – the…

Simple, quick and practical pipe boxing from UK Boxings


Pipe boxing and decorative casings from UK Boxings have been used by housing associations and local…