Renovation ensures Council tenants have efficient homes for the future

Submitted by Kate on

To complete an award-winning renovation scheme, the London Borough of Islington retained a tried and tested team to deliver a continued single source of accountability of estate refurbishment.

Thus, residents in Salisbury Walk on the Girdlestone Estate are benefitting from improved thermal and natural light performance, guaranteed to last for decades.
The renovation of the estate’s roofs won the Reinforced Bituminous Membrane category in the 2018 Roofing Awards. The award-winning team of Mears Group plc, Langley Waterproofing Systems Ltd, and Langley Approved Contractor Opus Waterproofing Solutions Ltd was utilised to deliver this latest phase.

At Salisbury Walk, Islington Council undertook a detailed appraisal of the works required to bring the roof of the four-storey block of flats up to the same quality and standard already achieved on other apartment blocks across the estate portfolio.  The Council’s in-house technical team partnered with Mears Group to design, scope out and deliver the associated capital works programme, inviting Langley Waterproofing Systems to recommend the works necessary.


Salisbury Walk on the Girdlestone Estate, London Borough of Islington

Much of the existing suspended standing-seam profiled metal deck over asphalt on woodwool deck was beyond its economical life, despite costly reactive repairs. Insulation- at 50mm- was well below current Building Regulations (Approved Document Part L). Condensation was also forming in the rooflights over the stairwells of each property.

Langley Waterproofing Systems Approved Contractor Opus Waterproofing Solutions won the tender to deliver the scheme, taking care to minimise disruption to residents who were still in occupancy whilst the programme of works was executed.

Opus stripped the metal profiled roof back to the original waterproofing and deck, as the existing roof had failed to the extent much of the insulation below was saturated, then  installed a Langley Reinforced Bituminous Membrane (RBM) TA-30 flat roofing system on the asphalt substrate. The warm roof application added a new vapour control layer, brought the insulation up to the 0.18W/m2K required under relevant Building Standards by using tapered Parafoam Ultra PIR insulation board, finishing with underlay and Parafor Solo GS cap sheet in dark grey.

With a single premium, independently-insured backed guarantee for materials, design and workmanship of 30 years, and BBA-certified with a life expectancy of over 40 years (the longest available in the UK), the new TA-30 system will ensure the flats below are kept watertight and thermally-protected for years to come.

In addition, all the rooflights were removed and replaced with Langley’s ParaRange triple skin polycarbonate modular rooflights. The manually opening ventilation hatch and manually opening rooflight hatch were also upgraded, with Langley’s Parakerb upstands. The 300mm high parapet wall around the perimeter was encapsulated in plywood  and the same TA-30. Flues were repaired with lead sleeves and detailed with the waterproofing.


Salisbury Walk on the Girdlestone Estate, London Borough of Islington

Mears Group Project Manager Theo Petrou explained, “Having achieved such a positive result in the refurbishment elsewhere on the estate by utilising the services of Langley and Opus, it gave peace of mind for all stakeholders to re-apply that formula in other works. It brings us a valued perspective, enabling us to make informed decisions going forward about the condition of the estate, knowing we have consistency in approach, design, materials and application. We also have the peace of mind, going forward, that the roofs are all upgraded to a high standard and are assured for decades to come.”

Added Gary Chapman, Group Leader- Capital Works (Group 3 Street Properties) for Islington Council’s Capital Programme Delivery Team, “We were pleased with the quality of service and systems we received from the team of Mears Group, Langley and Opus in the first phase of the Girdlestone Estate renovation. As Langley’s TA-30 system offering comes with a five year asset management support plan with annual inspections and photographic reporting, we have the peace of mind that our estate has been refurbished and improved to optimise best value  in the long term.”

Langley offer a ‘Good Flat Roofing: Guidance for Roofing Refurbishment’ CPD available to be delivered face to face or virtually, to book, click here or to book your free, no-obligation roof condition survey, contact: