A landlord has created an easy-to-use app to help fellow landlords and letting agents prepare for the forthcoming Renters’ Rights Bill.
RoomApp dispenses with the archaic paper-based methods currently employed by most landlords and housing associations to record, store and share information and which are putting tenants’ lives at risk.
The platform enables agents to upload details of a property’s compliance and safety certificates such as gas, electric and EPCs. In doing so, housing providers have a secure but easily accessible digital file, making evidencing legal and regulatory requirements quick and easy.
Founder Camarlo Richards, himself a landlord, said: “With the Renters’ Rights Bill making significant change to how the housing sector operates, it makes sense for housing providers to use RoomApp to prepare in advance and remain compliant throughout.
“This easy-to-use task management system gives housing providers confidence that they’re ready because the evidence they’ve uploaded can be quickly and easily seen on their digital devices.
“RoomApp is the answer to ensuring all properties are safe and secure for residents and that landlords and agents aren’t hampered by extra admin when the Bill comes into force.”
With the housing sector constantly moving and regulation ever changing, it’s vital for landlords and agents to make use of technology which can keep up with the pace.
RoomApp works in real time, saving landlords time and money. There’s no need to wait for identification or financial paperwork to be completed by hand, photocopied and filed. Everything can be done digitally.
Intuitive tools on the platform enable tenants to organise appointments and visits, ensuring they feel empowered, seen and heard. Property maintenance requests can be submitted and tracked, providing peace of mind for both landlords and tenants.

Camarlo uses his own experience of the industry to inform development of RoomApp and added: “Having housed hundreds of people I am acutely aware that an effective working relationship between tenants and landlords is fundamental to a successful let.
“In addition, a tenant’s connection to their support worker has a lasting impact. RoomApp harnesses the power of AI to help support workers in their roles, giving them more time to focus on resident care. They can quickly and easily find essential services like food banks and GPs and use location technology to pinpoint the nearest options.
“It’s about providing the whole package of care, not just a roof over tenants’ heads.”
RoomApp is available on the Google and Apple app markets and is free for tenants but charges landlords a monthly subscription of £10 per room, after the first month’s free trial is over.
Landlords and tenants using RoomApp have a stronger connection which benefits both parties. But it also improves society on a wider scale. Tenants living happily and independently create cohesive communities and reduce the toll on the NHS because they are less likely to need mental or physical care, saving billions of pounds.
The financial benefits of tackling the housing crisis are enormous. But the gains made aren’t only financial. They are societal and have a fundamental impact on generations to come.
To sign up for a free trial with RoomApp or to find out more please contact Camarlo Richards at camarlo@360saass.co.uk or visit RoomApp.
Images © RoomApp
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