Vectaire’s Microbox 125/2DC was chosen to ventilate St Peter’s House and Admiral’s House in Kents Road, Torquay. This prestigious development converting two listed buildings into apartments needed discreet, but effective ventilation. The Microbox, provided this. The unit is slim (less than 184 mm deep) so is particularly suited for in-line installation where space is at a premium. Additionally, it can be installed at any angle and only requires one discharge grille. It is an efficient, low energy solution to controlling condensation and pollution in residential properties up to 185m2. It has a variable choice of low (trickle), boost and purge speeds at installation with low noise levels and low running costs. It is easy to install, using the minimum amount of ductwork (therefore fewer fire dampers and less coring), saving approximately £250 per system. It will operate in up to 60ºC, is IPX4 rated and SAP PCDB Listed.

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