Floodex widens scope for 2019

Submitted by Kate on

2019 will see an entirely new event which will benefit both trade shows and conferences, with a big overlap in interest. IRRIGEX, the event for the UK irrigation industry will run alongside FLOODEX.

FLOODEX has widened its scope and has even stronger, relative support now, being partnered with the Association of Drainage Authorities and Association of SuDS Authorities, meaning no other event will see a bigger attendance of flood and SuDS officers, senior staff from the UK’s Internal Drainage Boards and Local Authority.

Floodex widens scope for 2019

The newly formed Association of SuDS Authorities is specifically for SuDS professionals working with Local Authorities. The Association will be officially launched at FLOODEX and the first annual conference will help to mark this occasion, attracting a very important audience and influential audience.

Jon Irwin, event director, said “these are very exciting times, as this is the only event working with direct involvement from the Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) and the Association of SuDS Authorities (ASA).”

He went on to say, “I believe this give us the biggest and most influential audience, relevant to this industry, in the UK.”

FLOODEX has teamed up with the UK Irrigation Association to create IRRIGEX. As there is a crossover of interest in the management of water. the organizers of FLOODEX has partnered with the UKIA, who have moved their annual conference to form part of this overarching event.

IRRIGEX will give suppliers and end users, interested in irrigation, a platform where they can meet face to face and come away much better informed and equipped to deal with their respective issues.

The Health & Safety Workshop returns. In response to the Internal Drainage Board requests, there was a special, free to attend programme, covering health and safety awareness training. These sessions were delivered by two eminently capable professionals. We plan to repeat this, as it proved very popular.

Once again, most comments related to the very high quality of our visitors and the size of some of the deals made, including somebody confirming a £500,000 deal on the first day. Unsurprisingly, most exhibitors, who were asked, said they would be exhibiting again.

For exhibitors, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your products and services, to a qualified audience who have a genuine interest in finding solutions related to flood, irrigation and general water level management.

For visitors, you'll be able to engage with experts and consultants, harvesting advice on what you could and should be doing. You’ll be able to take stock of the latest products and solutions to issues now, or for future proofing yourself and property.

Network with your peers, find out what their plans are and share ideas. Talk to the people and organizations on the exhibition stands, who can help you deliver your planned solutions with the latest equipment, technology, services and knowledge.

You'll be able to talk to a wide range of suppliers and expert advisers that would normally take you months to get around, in this way, trade shows are the most productive use of your time and energy. Especially if you are thinking of changing or looking for a new supplier.

It's one or two days out of your year that could continue to pay dividends for months and even years to come, whilst making you more effective, efficient and possibly even saving you money.

There's a lovely quote attributed to George Bernard Shaw, “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”

The event is scheduled to be held on the 27th -28th February 2019 at Peterborough Arena, East of England Showground. For information on exhibiting, sponsoring or visiting, please visit www.floodex.co.uk or www.irrigex.com

Joined up Thinking and Collaboration
'It's essential that industry customers and suppliers continue to have the opportunity to come together under one roof. Much has happened since the event in 2016 which could have a significant influence on how drainage and water level management evolves in future years, especially including Brexit, de-maining and partnership working.' said Innes Thomson, chief executive of ADA.

Thomson went on to say, 'As an industry we must remain visible, strong in partnership and influential in ensuring that the correct strategies are determined and the right decisions are taken by government. Floodex does just that.'