Practitioners involved in the housing adaptations process are being empowered to ease at least one pain point with co-professional analysis documents.
Available for free download, Occupational Analysis: Activity Analysis of Toileting and Single Handed Care: Toilet Guidance have both been written by occupational therapists commissioned by Closomat. Both facilitate the assessment process, to enable appropriate selection of toilet assistive technology as part of a home adaptation.
“There are moves, particularly in Scotland as part of the Scottish Government’s Adapting for Change (AfC) programme, to ensure housing adaptations practitioners have the skills they need to help people make informed decisions,” says Robin Tuffley, Closomat marketing manager.
”It’s about preventing crisis by anticipating housing needs. Using the toilet is one of the five key activities of daily living (ADLs) used to asses a person’s need for care intervention, yet is too often overlooked because people are inherently reticent to discuss their inability to use the WC, wipe themselves effectively etc. ”
The guidance documents provide, in an easy to follow format, key considerations to apply to determine someone’s need for toilet assistance. They can be downloaded free of charge here
Closomat is unique in its offering to housing adaptation practitioners. Above and beyond its product- the only wash & dry toilet specifically developed for disabled people rather than adapted from a mainstream fixture- it is the only wash & dry toilet company that manufactures, supplies, installs, commissions and services.
Its latest offering, Palma Life, further provides a unique package, whereby the wash & dry toilet, and service for a total 10 years, is available as a total purchase price(*), and therefore fully covered under the Disabled Facilities Grant.
Visit the Closomat website here
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