Cornerstone: Trusted Independent Structural Health Experts

Submitted by Kate on

The founders of Cornerstone have a significant history dealing with fire and flood incidents and, our clear knowledge of structural and atmospheric moisture behaviour in affected buildings alongside a transparent reporting process was soon noticed by clients including NHBC, Private Surveyors and Social Housing landlords seeking to determine root causes for a reported damp, condensation and mould problem.

With these prevailing issues every winter period, Cornerstone are conscious of the need for a uniform approach that will serve to deliver credible diagnosis alongside specific guidance for building occupants and structural owners/landlords/managers with particular emphasis on the safety of those who use and occupy the buildings.

With this in mind, we have formalised our proven sequential surveying process with a defined certified output system aligned to the condition of the structure and of equal importance, how the atmosphere is managed for optimum healthy environments.

structural health

Watch our video where we explain the process offering and how it can deliver credible diagnostic support for all those seeking defined causations that will result in confident and cost-effective solutions – for the long term.

You will see that an important aspect when determining the root cause of damp and mould is to recognise it is not due to a single issue with many instances of mould perceived to be a damp wall or ceiling only for it to be proven to not be the case in almost 92% of our surveys undertaken to date.

Where mould developments have been either wiped clean or painted over, in the absence of a credible reason, it will likely return and, if the solutions used were not recognised for dealing with the mould root system, it will return within a quicker timeframe.

structural health

We fully recognise the impact of insulations, whole dwelling ventilation rates, structural leakage (permeability) alongside existing or planned retrofit forced ventilations aspects and, are sharing our knowledge with a host of interested parties seeking to improve their understanding of structural and atmospheric issues with the provision of user-friendly…

•    Property MOT® surveying system
•    Damp and Mould CPD training from admin staff through to qualified surveyors
•    Launch of Humidity Calculator Apps for determining compliance with BS5250 2002
•    Launch of Air Change App to determine the desired overrun of an installed extractor to clear a room after use

To learn more and register your interest, visit our website: and ‘enquire today’.

Or call 0345 846 0955

Images © Cornerstone