Roof Design online CDP seminars from Hambleside Danelaw

Submitted by Kate on

Hambleside Danelaw is running a series of webinars in March for specifiers looking to update their knowledge and skillset on roof design. The subject areas up for discussion in the RIBA approved seminars include GRP roofing and pitched roof ventilation.

CPD seminar

The unexpected situation we have had to endure with the appearance of a pandemic has influenced the way we work. 2020 has seen the construction industry face unprecedented challenges. One of the many problems presented is people’s ability to update their knowledge and skills through the normal channels. CPD seminars and presentations both inhouse and offsite were an everyday part of working life until the pandemic struck, but the way we now work has changed dramatically. Hambleside Danelaw realise how important it is for specifiers to continue to keep their skills up-to-date and is offering a series of free seminars that are easily accessible online.

CPD seminar

Versatile and Durable GRP Roofing Systems and How They Differ
A RIBA approved CPD seminar that covers uses of GRP flat roofing system and discuses environmental matters and innovative specifications and applications.
March 17th 2021 1pm
Andy Fell and Paul Turner
Register here

Ventilation for Pitched Roofs – Designs and Solutions
RIBA approved CPD Seminar that covers the consequences of inadequate ventilation within a pitched roof space.
March 23rd 2021 1pm
Paul Turner
Register here

Understanding the Function and Selection Criteria for Roof Tile Underlays
RIBA approved CPD seminar looks at the composition of roof tile and slate underlays and their use. The seminar will also explore Building Regulations with regard to ventilation and condensation control.
March 25th 2021 1pm
Alan Collier
Register here

For more information on the webinars please contact Ann Leeson on

