HA News

Discrimination in the housing sector


At least 1 in 10 rental properties in England are likely to be advertised unlawfully by explicitly discriminating against people who rely on…

Supply and demand – fixing the housing crisis


In January this year, the Regulator of Social Housing was borne out of the ashes of the Homes & Communities Agency. The new editor of Housing…

Permitted development expansion will affect vulnerable people, warn experts


The Town and Country Planning Association has warned that the government’s planned expansion of permitted development will deprive local…

SMEs are a key to solving the housing crisis


Sir Oliver Letwin’s review aims to identify the cause of the significant gap between housing completions and the amount of land allocated or…

Everything you need to know about shared ownership


If your first thought when you hear the words shared ownership is having to share your home with someone, you’d be forgiven. Shared ownership…

Further environmental checks for Grenfell site


Additional environmental checks are to be carried out in and around the Grenfell Tower site to provide extra reassurance to survivors and…

What the Autumn Budget means for housing


Chancellor Phillip Hammond has announced the government’s Autumn Budget, presenting: “A budget that shows the perseverance of the British…

London councils offered more funding for delivery of new homes


The Mayor of London has announced £10 million for ambitious councils that want to boost their role in building new homes in the capital.…

Wi-fi from BT helps Rochdale residents thrive


Could you live without the internet? Nowadays we go online to do everything from banking to the weekly shop. Life with internet access is…

PM pledges to build the homes this country needs


Housing associations have a central role to play in building the homes we need and challenging the attitudes that hold us back, Theresa May…

Five leading letting agents risk breaking discrimination law


Five of England’s leading letting agents actively discriminate against tenants on housing benefit, according to a new report by Shelter and…

Right to buy costing councils a staggering £300 million per year



Total right to buy discounts have climbed to £1 billion a year – leading to a net loss of some £300 million, according to recent…