concrete block permeable paving

Proving Permeable Paving

Submitted by Kate on

Recent trials of various, older concrete block permeable paving projects following long-term use back-up previous research, endorse current minimal maintenance recommendations and debunk misconceptions about clogging up of joints. This research has important implications for the whole life costs of permeable paving on all types of housing. One of the projects involved also reveals major benefits of permeable paving for green infrastructure, particularly trees. 



Leading on SuDS

Submitted by Press on
Leading on SuDS

The trade body Interpave calls on housing providers to take the lead in developing wider use of sustainable drainage (SuDS) and concrete block permeable paving on developments, in line with national planning policy.

Some 20 months ago, the Government chose to abandon dedicated requirements for SuDS on new developments using the 2010 Flood and Water Management Act. Instead, an additional policy now sits alongside the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), spelling out “the Government’s expectation … that sustainable drainage systems will be provided in new developments wherever this is appropriate”.
