


Winter warmth bundles for cold weather protection

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Jonathan Hunt, director of client services, Charis

The cost of living and energy costs are still biting deep for households at risk of fuel poverty. When income is limited, the decision to switch off the heating is often made to ensure that there is food on the table. With less government support this year, and standing charges on the rise, this dilemma is damaging not just to the physical wellbeing of each member of the household, but also to their mental wellbeing too.


Are your tenants winter-ready? A landlord's guide

Submitted by Kate on

As the unforgiving winter months plough steadily ahead, landlords play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of their tenants and maintaining the longevity of their properties. The responsibility extends beyond merely providing a roof over their heads – it involves preparing them for the challenges that the colder seasons can bring. In the UK, the issue of fuel poverty further underscores the significance of landlords actively engaging in initiatives to make their properties winter-ready. Housing Association Magazine’s Joe Bradbury discusses:


Are housing associations getting value for money on replacement windows and doors?

Submitted by Kate on
wondows and doors

Howard Trotter, business manager of window and fire door manufacturer Shelforce, discusses whether housing associations are getting value for money for crucial products – and how they can successfully balance both cost and quality.

The social housing landscape is constantly evolving; but what is not, is a commitment to the safety and quality of life for residents.

As housing associations strive to provide comfortable and secure homes for their residents, a critical aspect involves the maintenance and enhancement of properties, with replacement windows and doors, including fire doors, essential components for both safety and energy efficiency.


Time to wake up to climate breakdown

Submitted by Kate on

George Clarke takes a scary look at the future

I’m sitting writing this in my shorts. Nothing else, just my shorts.

Why am I sharing this awful vision with you? Because at the time of writing it’s very hot. I’m at my desk at home and the temperature is 30 degrees. It’s been like this for days.

But, this isn’t just a random spike in temperatures for the UK. The entire planet experienced its hottest June ever on record, followed by the hottest July on record, breaking previous records by huge margins.


Unlocking value: housing associations can prioritise quality AND cost

Submitted by Kate on
housing associations

With legislation changing all the time, specifying the right products is essential to meet the correct standards. We spoke with Howard Trotter, business manager of window and fire door manufacturer Shelforce, to find out what housing associations must look out for when specifying windows and doors and how Shelforce can help provide the right products for the right value.


Charis Shop platform drives significant business growth

Submitted by Kate on
charis shop

At Charis, a surge in users of its online Charis Shop which was launched in 2020 has led to an explosion in business growth. CEO Graham Ayres explains how the company is harnessing the impact of their new platform to help housing providers deliver hardship support rapidly and efficiently.


Preparing for the winter

Submitted by Kate on

Charis CEO and chairman Graham Ayres outlines the winter preparations the company is making to help housing associations with administering support grants for their more vulnerable residents.

The good news is in - Ofgem has decreased the energy price cap to its lowest level since March 2022. A seven per cent drop to £1925 will potentially be followed by a further drop to £1823 in October according to Cornwall Insight. This is great news for householders who can finally see some breathing space.

However, the landscape is not going to change for millions of residents who are still falling through the cracks when it comes to balancing income with outgoings which continue to be disproportionately high.
