
Are your tenants winter-ready? A landlord's guide

Submitted by Kate on

As the unforgiving winter months plough steadily ahead, landlords play a crucial role in ensuring the well-being of their tenants and maintaining the longevity of their properties. The responsibility extends beyond merely providing a roof over their heads – it involves preparing them for the challenges that the colder seasons can bring. In the UK, the issue of fuel poverty further underscores the significance of landlords actively engaging in initiatives to make their properties winter-ready. Housing Association Magazine’s Joe Bradbury discusses:


Preparing for the winter

Submitted by Kate on

Charis CEO and chairman Graham Ayres outlines the winter preparations the company is making to help housing associations with administering support grants for their more vulnerable residents.

The good news is in - Ofgem has decreased the energy price cap to its lowest level since March 2022. A seven per cent drop to £1925 will potentially be followed by a further drop to £1823 in October according to Cornwall Insight. This is great news for householders who can finally see some breathing space.

However, the landscape is not going to change for millions of residents who are still falling through the cracks when it comes to balancing income with outgoings which continue to be disproportionately high.


Water supply warning - wrap it or regret it!

Submitted by Kate on
water supply

Burst pipes are the most common cause of home insurance claims in the UK (1) and cost an average of £3,500 in damage to property and contents.  The expense is not the worst of it, months of disruption follows as the property is dried out and repaired.
Frost is the greatest threat to water services throughout the winter.  UK Water Regulations require any fitting or apparatus to be correctly insulated to prevent frost, unless in a location that is heated for more than 12 hours a day (2). It seems obvious when you are scraping the ice from the car on a frosty morning. However, the insurance claims show that many homeowners, landlords and occupiers seem to be unaware of this requirement.


Be prepared for a harsh winter

Submitted by Press on
Be prepared for a harsh winter gloved hand image

The holly trees are full of red berries. The leaves are burning brighter and falling late. The acorn shells are thick. The houses are full of spiders and the birds are leaving early. If old wives’ tales are anything to go by, we could be looking at a harsh winter ahead. How should the industrious housing professional best prepare for the cold? Joe Bradbury of Housing Association Magazine investigates.

Long-range weather forecasts claim Britain could be braced to face the coldest and harshest winter for almost a decade. The brutally cold weather is expected to be driven by a plunge in solar activity and the El Nino warming of the eastern Pacific Ocean, bringing the first snowfall as early as November and “potentially crippling snowfalls and ice storms” between Christmas and New Year.
